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Pocket Field Recs
- Pocket Field Recs is a data collection package for collecting
field data such as, boundaries, tile lines, weeds, soil sample points
- It also displays background data for navigation in the field for zone
soil sampling, etc.
- Interfaces with Desktop Field Recs for data management and storage.
Pocket Variable Rate Controller
- Pocket Variable Rate Controller is a package for the Pocket PC that does
variable rate application using an image base map.
- Using an image as the base for a prescription provides for extremely
accurate application since each 10-15 foot square in the field can have
its own application rate.
- Currently supports Raven, Rawson, Hiniker, and a switchbox output for
controlling a wide range of "Off-On" applications.
- Also interfaces with Desktop Field Recs for data management and
storage, and map creation.
Truck Crop Yield Monitor
- This product is a joint venture between KB Manufacturing of
Fisher, MN, and GK Technology of Halstad, MN. KB
Manufacturing provide the Load Cells and hardware for a Truck
Weight monitoring system.
- GK Technology adds the GPS, Handheld
or Laptop Computer and Software to make a complete Yield Monitoring System. It has been tested for
the last three harvest seasons.
- Track loads from scale tickets and quality results back to the
location in the field where they were harvested.